Ink Asher Hemp

Associate Artist


1. Who are you? 

I am Ink (they/them)…  a white, queer, trans, disabled creator, story teller, activist, theatre (trouble) maker. A mentally fucked precariat.

I work with words, and sound, and movement, and images… sometimes on my own, under the name Activising for Change, and sometimes with other people. I am passionate about creatively embedded access and the radical potential of relaxed performance spaces. I stay in Edinburgh next door to three pigeons and a baby.

2. How did you get here? 

I am here cos I was too scared to flyer… I’ve been involved in climate justice campaigning since I was wee and part of that included flyering for awareness raising… not my idea of fun… so I wrote a piece of flash mob theatre that communicated the issues instead…that’s how it began and from there it continued…  making work, writing, learning lighting… touring to poly tunnels at occupations, bookshops, The Traverse, community centres, Dundee Rep, and EdFringe etc… with pieces that have been described as "strikingly direct... beautiful, sometimes funny and always necessary." (Stanza Poetry).

Somewhere in the middle of that I met Fraser and when he asked me if I would be interested in being involved with Sanctuary the answer was obviously “Aye!”. For me the arts and activism, in this case queer existence, will always be inherently linked… we are building tomorrow through the stories we tell ourselves today.

3. What does the concept of Sanctuary mean to you?

It’s comfy. It’s neutral. It’s body temperature – not too much either way.

4. What does your Sanctuary look like? 

4am with clear skies, a very specific grey hoodie, blue blanket, and brown rice. Clear calendar. Empty inbox. Enough space To Be.